How The Danish Concept "Hygge" Transformed My Skin

A lot of people travel to Copenhagen and come back inspired by the food, happy lifestyle, and sleek interior design. Me? I couldn't stop obsessing over the perfect skin of everyone who lives there.


“When I chose to prioritize a slower, cozy, committed approach to my skin, it extended to almost every other aspect of my life.”

You know that island where no one ever gets acne? Copenhagen is kind of like that — only about 100 times colder and with way more stuff to eat. The city is full of people riding their bikes or sitting around a candlelit dinner — with their obnoxiously clear, glowing skin peeking out from under their scarves. And while it can certainly be attributed to their dedicated skin routines, celebrity skin specialist Ole Henriksen points to something a little more folksy: Hygge, the Danish concept of warmth and coziness. "You can find Hygge anywhere. Maybe it's time around the fireplace or lighting a candle in your bathroom. It's about taking a deep breath and connecting on an intimate level. It relaxes you," says Henriksen. "Stress can overwhelm and send so much negative energy to the brain and this is a conscious decision [to control it]." This month, Henriksen is relaunching his entire skin-care range at Sephora — complete with a sleek Scandinavian aesthetic. But nestled into the collection is something new: Balance, a set of products focused on combination skin and arguably the most "Hygge" of the bunch. With a calming Eucalyptus scent and self-warming formulations*, it's hard not to slow down and relax when you use them. And that's exactly how Henriksen intended it.


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